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Sanket M. Yenagi

Mr. Sanket M. Yenagi is the First Attorney in the Country to implement Artificial Intelligence in the legal services, for the systematic and effective rendering of legal services keeping the convenience of both clients and lawyers as the highest priority.

It is in 2006, Mr.Sanket Yenagi started his foundation, a boutique law firm, focused exclusively for a gamut of Law services called THE LAWMEN INTERNATIONAL. It carried on contributing to its perpetual success and accomplishments in the Legal services available across the continent since then
Offering unwatchable services for the underprivileged and downtrodden class of the society
It is in 2006, Mr.Sanket Yenagi started his foundation, a boutique law firm, focused exclusively for a gamut of Law services called THE LAWMEN INTERNATIONAL. It carried on contributing to its perpetual success and accomplishments in the Legal services available across the continent since then
NGO founded by Mr. Sanket M. Yenagi
S M Y L E – Private Non-Governmental Organization formed in Bangalore in 2017.
Power of Youth – Private Non-Governmental Organization formed in Bangalore in 20179.
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Indo-China dependency
– An unpleasant reality.

Strategically, China supported its core industry at a time when India opened up its economy allowing its private players to establish manufacturing sector across the nation…

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Covid-19 and Vicarious Liability in India

WHO Travel Advice, in clear terms has stated that, ‘Evidence shows that temperature screening to detect potential suspect cases at entry may miss travelers incubating the disease….

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Modi, Indians and a Mind Game

This method of distraction or mind diversion, is also often practiced by the habitual / professional criminals while commission of crimes by deviating attention of public,…

Heading Green Revolution
Sanket Yenagi Foundation Work

An initiative to promote, encourage and support the farming community in involving themselves for creating an organic ecosystem in their own unique way in any particular property, with a complex network of all living matters interconnected in the same physical environment.

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